Altar Servers
Altar Servers are students from the Religious Education Program and Saint Mary School who have been trained and commissioned to serve at the altar. Students can begin their training in 6th grade or later to become servers. They assist the priest and deacon at Mass and other liturgical services.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are people who have been called to distribute Christ’s body and blood to their fellow assembly members. A person must attend a two evening deanery training and a third parish-specific meeting before being commissioned as a minister of the Eucharist.
Lectors are people with excellent public speaking skills who feel called to proclaim the scriptures during our Masses. A person must attend a two evening deanery training followed by a third parish-specific meeting before being commissioned as a lector.
Sacristans are men and women who serve at Mass and various other religious ceremonies. The initial duty is to prepare the worship space with all the tools and holy vessels needed for the for celebrating the Liturgy. They are also recruit the Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Lastly the sacristan cleans and puts away the holy vessels and the worship books after Mass.
Ushers are liturgical ministers who exercise a ministry of welcome and service. They open and lock church doors as necessary; greet people; help people find seats during the liturgy and special parish services; take up the collection; aid in directing people for Communion; pass out the bulletin, and generally see to it that things run smoothly at services.